
Monday, February 11, 2013

Update and Prayer requests.

We have a little over 5 weeks left in the states. Thats 36 days to be exact or 864 hours. (just in case you wanted to know)

IT IS CLOSE! We are growing more and more excited with each day! We cannot express our gratitude to all of you who have/are supporting us both financially and more importantly through prayer! We do ask for your continued prayer support as we begin to get every little last thing finalized and prepared.

Here are a few specific prayer request that we have:

  1. The shipping of our vehicle:
    • I have never done this before so it is a little nerve racking trying to get everything setup state side, making sure it arrives in the correct amount of time, and gets through customs in both the US and Guatemala. 
  2. Packing:
    • As I'm sure most of you know packing for a week or two long vacation can be tough. Packing to move to another country is significantly harder. Thankfully the bulk of the items we are taking is already headed that way. However, we still have clothes and some essentials that have to go with us when we head that way. Also with my role as our visual journalist and media producer I have to carry all of my equipment with me safely. 
  3.  The plane flight:
    • Bethany and I are seasoned travelers but this time we have Karis with us, who will be almost 5 months old when we leave. Pray that she has a divinely induced sleep/calm and we will have the wisdom to make her comfortable to the main flight from Houston.  
  4. Visa/Residency:
    • We are planning on applying for residency once we arrive in country to avoid the visa restrictions that make you leave the country every 90 days (which gets expensive). Pray that we find the right individual to get out paperwork in order and that we find favor with the government of Guatemala. 
  5. Clubhouse
    • We are for prayer for our ministry as well. This is going to be a huge year for us as we have many projects going on! If your church is looking for a place to get involved in missions contact me @ 
Also we will be starting an email newsletter in March. Sign up here:

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